our objectives
The primary objective therefore for establishing AWLA isto promote networking among colleagues ( Professional Women Lawyers) to enhance the status of the African Woman Objectives
To strengthen networking among African Women Lawyers
To share information and lobby for gender parity in Africa through legislative reform, public education and advocacy
women's rights
To promote the principles and aims of the United Nations, the Organization of African Unity ( Now African Union) and the African Commission on Women and People’s Rights
legal status
To enhance the legal status of Women
rights of Children
To promote the rights of Children
access to justice
To enhance access to justice for women
our activities
To realize our objectives, AWLA organizes the following activities

The dissemination of laws affecting women in Africa through information sharing

Promoting opportunities for Women in all fields of public life, including politics, the civil service, the educational sector, industry, business and the professions, particularly the legal profession with emphasis on lobbying governments to provide special measures to achieve this aim

Advocating for legislation removing all forms of discrimination against women and guarantee women’s equality on issues such as: * Domestic Violence * Property rights of spouses * Dehumanising cultural practices like female genital Mutilation and early marriage * Trafficking of women * Any other gender- based discriminatory practices that affect the socio-economic development of women and girls
from our blog
We update our blog regularly with information around our objectives and our projects, both finished and ongoing.
Dear Madam President Elect, We, the African Women Lawyers Association (AWLA), extend our warmest congratulations...
our country chapters