our objectives
The primary objective therefore for establishing AWLA isto promote networking among colleagues ( Professional Women Lawyers) to enhance the status of the African Woman Objectives
women's rights
legal status
rights of Children
access to justice
End Abuse
enhance capacity
Empower and protect women
protect the girl child
who we are
The African Women Lawyers Association (AWLA) was founded in 1997 in Kenya. The Concept of this Association crystallize after an International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) networking meeting held in Accra, Ghana in 1996. At that forum it was realized that there was a need for African Women to network in order to address issues affecting women and children on the African Continent and to present a uniform voice articulating these peculiar concerns at the United Nations and other international fora. The primary objective therefore for establishing AWLA was to promote networking among colleagues ( Professional Women Lawyers) to enhance the status of the African Woman

WE are doing?
To realize our objectives, AWLA organizes the following activities
information sharing
promoting opportunities
women's rights
- Domestic Violence
- Property rights of spouses
- Dehumanising cultural practices like female genital Mutilation and early marriage
- Trafficking of women
- Any other gender- based discriminatory practices that affect the socio-economic development of women and girls
open forum

Amanda Ego ASAGBA

Betty Mould-Iddrisu

Nana Oye- Lithur

Pearl Kupe

Carolyne Dawuni