Archive for June, 2019

IHRDA, AWLA-Nigeria sue Nigeria before ECOWAS Court in rape case

Banjul, 27 June 2019: The “Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa” (IHRDA) and the African Women Lawyers Association, Nigeria Branch (AWLA-Nigeria) on 26 June 2019 filed an action against the Federal Republic of Nigeria before the ECOWAS Court of Justice for the violation of the rights of a young woman who was raped in Lagos in 2011.

The Applicant in the case submits that even though the perpetrator was charged to Court, the Court proceedings are yet to be concluded 8 years after the rape. The Applicant alleges violations of the right to a remedy and right to freedom from gender-based discrimination among others.


10 May 2021: Court notifies parties of postponement of hearing from 12 May 2021 to 23 September 2021.