African Women Lawyers Association is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 6YearStrategicPlan
Time: Jan 27, 2022 04:00 PM Africa/Lagos
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Passcode: 070176
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Meeting ID: 842 2880 4391
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Dear AWLA Country/ State Rep,
Compliments of the season to you, your lovely family and AWLANs in your Country/State.
Trust you are all well and ready for pleasant surprises packaged for you this year- rewards for your sacrifices for humanity.
We say a big thank you for being a part of this great Association poised to end indignity to women and children. We implore you to join us take a bold step to impact more women and children this year.
Please be informed of a virtual meeting scheduled to hold on the 27th of January 2022 at 4pm to Roll out AWLA 6 year Strategic Plan. Zoom details will be forwarded shortly.
Best regards
Mandy Asagba