Nigerians call obey
To serve our father’s land
With love and strength and faith
May the Labour of our heroes past never be in vain
O YES ARISE, enough of the crawling, it’s time to walk, it’s time to run with the Nigeria vision, it’s time to recover all our lost glory,
It is time to fix Nigeria and stand TALL in the comity of Nations
It is time to dethrone the rule of rulers and enthrone the Rule of Law
It is time for peace and justice to reign in our land
We choose to fix Nigeria today! No longer business as usual. It’s our Father’s Land, We choose to protect our father’s land and release it from every negative grip. Enough of the ‘Jakpa’, Enough of the ‘sidon look’, Enough of ‘settling for the crumbs’…. We are ready to confront our challenges, occupy our space and possess our possessions!
Welcome to the Nigeria of our dreams!!!
A Just, egalitarian and prosperous nation.
The Speaking and acting Nigerians
The ‘Soro so ke, mu se’ generation is here!
Mandy Demechi-Asagba
October 1, 2023

African Women Lawyers Association (AWLA), has implored government at all levels, to be more deliberate and intentional towards ensuring that women and children have unhindered access to justice, anywhere in Nigeria.
In order to achieve this and protect the rights of children, prevail over violence t abuse them, the group advocated for a one stop justice system for women and children, with special Federal courts with one jurisdiction and power to deal with any matter involving abuse of women and children, anywhere in Nigeria.